Here is what some of Linda's clients have to say about their private sessions with her, her work with their pets, and the in-person and online courses she offers...
Linda Huitt is a gifted, intuitive teacher/healer who provides a warm, safe space for meaningful transformation to take place. She is a heart-centered professional who anticipates the needs of her students and provides a relaxing environment for their learning. During the transformational steps class, I loved the combination of performing heart links, journaling, energy clearing, learning hand mudras, and discussing the specifics about the angels. It was a perfect mix of activities that left me feeling clear, centered, and connected to my own inner knowing. As a teacher, Linda is both highly sensitive, empathic, and deeply grounded to hold space. I highly recommend her!
Kristen Samprakos
Portland Maine, October 2024
Linda, your teaching, your mentorship and your space were just what I needed this weekend. As always I came away very happy with the help and the learning I received from you! You seem a living embodiment of what you teach - unconditional love and it shows in the small things -your concern for people's comfort etc. Thank you very much again!
[Testimonial about the Steps to Transformation retreat]
Linda Carter
Freeport Maine, October 2024
I had wonderful IET training with Linda! She is a very kind and patient instructor who is thorough with her teaching and supportive to her students. It was a pleasure to train in her lovely studio, and I look forward to more classes in the future!
Denise Murphy
Bethel Maine, September 2024
Linda is a blessing and I look forward to working with her more and I highly recommend her for anyone seeking help.
Jeff Tetrault (Google review)
Maine, July 2024
The setting is relaxing and quiet. Receiving validation from my guides was remarkable. What an amazing ability Linda has.
Lynda Doak (Google review)
Maine, July 2024
I have no idea who I am anymore. I am an older man giving birth to a much younger man. Thank you, Linda, for the freedom of a lighter step.
Brad Waterman (Google review)
Maine, March 2024
Linda is kind, supportive and a wonderful guide through the healing process. I felt so grounded and in harmony with my higher self following our energy healing! Magnificent!
Cheryl Lacey (Google review)
Maine, February 2024
Thank you Linda! Today was such a treat and I’m grateful to you for this experience and being a warm, thoughtful, and thorough teacher!!! I feel really set up to practice and move forward with my [IET] basic skills, I don’t feel lost in it and very excited for the future.
Chelsea Short
Augusta ME, February 2024
I arrived in a bit of a 'hot mess' and Linda was very caring and gentle, and explained everything well. I felt a sense of calm when I left; this was just my first session. I will be returning for a second.
Tracy McLaughlin (Google review)
Maine, January 2024
This was my first time meeting with Linda. I found her through a Google search, and was SUPER excited that she was so close to home! My session with her to say the very LEAST was amazing! I highly recommend her for healing/energy work.
Denise Tilly (Google review)
Maine, February 2023
I got referred to Linda while in a bit of crisis. She was so very responsive to me, scheduling a same day, remote IET healing session. I was deeply touched by her loving, supportive & generous soul & the IET session was beyond helpful. It’s been 3 days since my session & I’m still feeling the changes happening & I’m so grateful for the releases of all that did not serve me. There were so many positive, healing energetic shifts that I cannot properly articulate them here. My recommendation would just be to schedule your own healing session & experience Linda’s gifts first hand. Thank you so much for everything Linda! ❤️
Gemma Alvarez
MA, February 2023
I found my session with energy healing very powerful. I felt Linda has a special gift that would benefit anyone who would welcome healing to their body, mind, or spirit.
Dee Mahoney (Google review)
Maine, December 2022
I had the pleasure of receiving a distance healing session with Linda. I found it to be relaxing and peaceful in the moment, and afterward I realized a shift in my energy and emotional state. I was advised to drink a lot of water afterward, so I drank more water than usual, and slept beautifully that night. In fact, it was the best sleep I had had in weeks. I highly recommend Linda as a practitioner who can move, shift, and transform your energy and your well-being.
Eva Goulette
Waterville ME, December 2022
Linda is such a sweet soul!! She is always taking care of you! Her studio is lovely and she is very accommodating! After a reiki session last fall I left her office and everything outside was sparkling and had a "3D" effect!! I drove home in a state of bliss that day!! I'm back for more sessions this summer. I'm here for emotional balance and to add more joy to my life!! Thank you Linda 💖💖💖
Victoria Griffin
Standish ME, August 2022
I have had two deep healing 90 minute sessions with Linda, and it truly has been amazing! I suffer from chronic pain, and Linda has helped alleviate this immensely. Can't thank her enough for her gift!! Highly recommend.
Felicia (Google review)
Maine, June 2022
After a terrible frightening injurious fall, I immediately thought to call my loving friend, Linda. I knew in the course of a gently lead healing in-person session I would feel more grounded and ready to face another day. Thank you, Linda, for the kind and soothing journey to heal my bruised body and shaken soul.
Paula Hill (Google review)
South Portland, ME, June 2022
Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp for Kids is an amazing place for children to learn about energy work. Linda Huitt and the others were wonderful and really put a lot of love into their teachings. My little guy can't wait to go back and I highly recommend this camp!
Jen C. (camper parent)
Windham, ME, June 2022
It's fun and it's cool! It's not boring at all! My favorite thing to do at Spirit Camp was crafts. I liked making my spiritual tool box and learning to use the pendulum. I can't wait to go back!
Spirit Camper, age 6
Windham, ME, June 2022
Amazing energy healing with Linda. Her visuals and intuitive comments were on spot. At the end of the session I felt both energized and calm at the same time, my previous heavy burdens lifted. It was a wonderful experience and I highly recommend Linda for her energy work.
Christie Robinson (Google review)
Maine, April 2022
Linda is a magical and wonderfully intuitive guide. I highly recommend you reach out to her on your healing journey!
Jenn Lewis (Google review)
Maine, April 2022
I took a course with Linda at 'Pathway of Joy', through Zoom. I got as much out of it as if I were there in person. The material was presented very well, she answered questions concisely and in a manner that was easy to understand. Within three to four weeks I was able to start applying the modality for myself as well as my friends and family--all loved ones. I highly recommend Pathway of Joy if you are just starting out on this path or, like myself, wanting to add another tool to your belt.
Gail Sawyer (Google review)
Berwick, ME, March 2022
Linda is a wonderful and caring person. I think anything that you take here would be great!
Karen Somogye (Google review)
Portland, ME, March 2022
I just got done reading your article in the [Soul Warrior: Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil] book. Very well written. I loved it! I love learning more about you. There's always been something about you that brings a calm to me or just a joy to be with you. In your article, twice reading a paragraph a question popped up in my mind, and twice you answer that question in your very next paragraph. Your journey intrigues me.
Laura L.
Bethel, ME, November 2021
I have recommended Linda for a variety of reasons. This time I'm going to recommend her for her most recent achievement, Melchizedek Healing Method. While the 5D concept of what I received is hard to put into words, here's what has changed with me since my session two weeks ago. #1, I sleep. I sleep so sound now that while I know I still don't get enough of it, now I feel rested when I awaken (at 3:00 am 6 days a week). #2, Energy. I don't come home physically or emotionally depleted anymore. I'm able to start working out now, which is something my body has been begging me to do. 3, Coping Skills. Life has been increasingly challenged as of late and I feel an incredible amount of peace on the inside. 4, Synchronicity POOF is all I can say. I ask for signs and they appear and as a matter of fact, twice they appeared without me asking. I'm looking forward to the day Linda teaches this Method.
Kelly Renee
NH, October 30 2020 (review via Facebook)
I had a nice energy healing session with Linda earlier today down in Buxton! She's an incredibly warm and gifted energy practitioner who does Reiki, IET, Theta Healing, Akashic Records readings, and several more wonderful modalities.
This is one of the ways I keep my mind, body, and Spirit aligned and in tune with my best & highest Self so I can continually provide quality sessions to you all.
What have you done to take care of yourself today?
Crystal B.
Gorham, ME, August 2020 (review via Facebook Check-in comment)
I had the privilege of learning [IET] from Linda. She is a patient and encouraging teacher. I look forward to more chances to be in her presence. I also received a video reading for my cat Frankie. It was a very enlightening experience and truly helpful. Frankie was also in a lighter mood afterwards.
Leslie Anne
ME, March 8 2020 (review via Facebook)
Recently, I heard of the Akashic Records and was interested in having a reading done to sort through some personal struggles I have had throughout my life. I found Linda through a google search and what a true gift it turned out to be. My reading also included a healing session [IET]. I have to be honest that, in the past, I have not put much faith in Reiki or a similar type of healing. I have had a couple of Reiki sessions and didn't really experience anything. This wasn't the case with Linda's healing session. As she was wrapping up the session, I felt a "jolt" go through my body and felt completely relaxed. It has been a week since I met with Linda and my "personal issues" have quieted down. I am more at peace with life in general. I was able to record my session and have listened to it several times. Each time, I hear something new. I realize this is all a "work in progress" and I am grateful that time is on my side. Linda's reading/healing session was so very, very helpful. I strongly encourage you to visit her if you are looking for guidance in any area of your life. She truly has a special gift.
Sharalyn A.
Cape Elizabeth, ME, March 2020 (review via Yelp)
I enjoyed my first time IET session with Linda Saturday. It felt like an important, powerful, and wonderful 90 minutes of my life...I loved it. Linda is a truly gifted wise woman, and she explained energy and spiritual concepts in a way I had never heard before and which made so much sense. Thank you!
Cathy Cook
Wayne ME, January 2020
Linda is an amazing teacher, powerful healer!
Mila Lanfranco
Milford CT, January 2020
Where do I start?! Linda is very sweet, gifted, and accommodating. I feel very at ease in her presence and that's important for me, as I am also an energetic therapist who feels deeply. With that being said, I hold true to the cliche "It's easier to help others than it is to help yourself" haha and I'm glad I met Linda to help facilitate my healing journey.
When I find someone like her, I hold on to em! I had my first akashic records reading with her summer of 2018, and that reading was sooo incredibly helpful in terms of the support and guidance I was looking for in my then current phase of life.
4 days ago I had another helpful reading, as well as a clearing from her. All that she cleared is what I have been sensing was around/in my enegetic body for a while and it was POWERFUL. Since then, I've had some flu like symptoms and my sinuses are draining like the Niagra Falls! I welcome this whole heartedly because I know my body is just clearing out all the crap I carried for so long! The best part about this all though, is that SINCE 4 DAYS AGO immediately after my clearing, I started to experience more flow, clarity, abundance in my life. I understand the removal of unconscious energetic blockages can facilitate IMMEDIATE flow/attraction and it is great to witness!
I know this is long, but I need ppl to understand how beneficial seeing Linda can be for your life! I'd recommend her over and over again *blows nose*
Love Light&Laughter!
Crystal B
Gorham ME, September 2019 (review via Yelp)
Integrated Energy Therapy has helped me release hurts I didn't even know I had. I've been able to release what doesn't serve me and that has helped me receive what does. IET is the reason I have been able to start writing again, it has improved and made the story line more purposefull. On a personal note, Linda is very gentle and patient and makes class fun. I'm looking forward to her class on Angels.
Adriana Vail
Londonderry NH, February 2019
Linda is a bright light. She is thoughtful, compassionate and wise. I had the pleasure of taking her IET Basics Certification class and couldn't be happier with the knowledge and power I received. I gained a forever friend and mentor. If you want to work with a skilled and soulful healer and a beautiful person inside and out, Linda is for you.
Danielle Clark
Tewksbury MA, November 2018
[Some of the comments following a Group Distant Healing event on August 20...]
• Thank you for the distant healing last night. It is the first night in as long as I can remember that I sleep all through the night. I hope this trend continues. I look forward to seeing you soon. - Laurie
• Wow. Just WOW. - Ruby
• Thank you very much for sharing your energy with us. This was beautiful and powerful. - Syndi
Multiple people
Many locations, August 2018
[Facebook post after her distant Akashic Record reading and Energy Healing session...]
Many thanks to Linda Anzelc Huitt, Pathway of Joy, for the excellent reading & IET healing. Linda, I looked up Leopard & Penguin. Both were spot on. If anyone needs an Akashic record reading or IET healing session, I recommend Linda.
Cheryl R.
VA, June 2018
[Message received from client the day after her healing session...]
Thank you so much for yesterday Linda - I appreciate your kind and loving support - I feel a sense of relief today - lighter.
Robyn T.
ME, March 2018
[Message received from client two days after her Saturday energy session...]
I just wanted to share with you that I slept a solid 8 hours Saturday night. It is the first time since I can remember. And since yesterday, I have had a growing sense of peace and calm.
Marialena Fronczak
CO, March 2018
Everything happens out of our own manifesting and that said I met a wonderful healer last week that I have the pleasure of working beside every two weeks in Portland... She offered me healing and I her a reading and so I made an appt to meet her today for the sessions. What a blessing that was on the heels of losing my beloved Bella! Linda you’re an amazing healer and I am ever grateful for your work today! Thank you for the energy work I feel amazing!! If you’re in the NH, VT or Maine you def should meet Linda! I also know she does distance healing too!!! I am VERY selective on who works on me and found her powerful, loving, and felt amazing results with more to reveal to me; I am sure. Thank you, THANK YOU!!! I definitely want more and highly recommend you to anyone looking for enegy work, it’s such a powerful exchange! Namaste!
Karen Ann
ME, January 2018
Linda has a gentle and kind way in her teachings and healings. She is a gifted intuitive who openly shares her gifts with the world. It is a blessing to be connected with Linda, and I highly recommend her to any who are curious to uncover some soul-level information or to receive some powerful, high-vibration, loving healing.
Rachel W.
Falmouth ME, December 2017
Thank you Linda for offering this great [Basic IET] class. You provided a comfortable environment, I felt welcomed and relaxed. I like you compassionate teaching style, I feel like you took the time to help me understand this healing energy system properly. I believe that this coarse covered all the information completely, as you guided the class through the hands on training. I know that IET will benefit me and others in my life with this practice. I'm sure Integrated Energy Therapy will help anyone who is open and interested in healing themselves and others. I am grateful to know you Linda, Thank you for teaching me this healing system! I plan to continue practicing IET, and I am interested in taking the next level IET training from you Linda! Thank you!
Dallas D.
Readfield ME, December 2017
Linda, it’s been a year now and I still recall with gratitude, as if it were yesterday, the wonderful day of miracles that you had gifted to [us] through the Healing Angels workshop. Thank you and wishing you continued miracles of the highest kind!
~November 2017
Thank you so much for the wonderful session Linda! I feel so much clarity and lightness. Can't wait to do it again!
Sarah H.
So Portland ME, October 2017
[From a client at the Mind Body Spirit festival.] The experience was very uplifting and healing for me. Linda was very compassionate and made me feel at ease. Of course at a fair, the surrounding noise cannot be helped, but that was the only slight down side. GREAT EXPERIENCE!
Kimberly W.
Freeport ME, October 2017
Linda is an outstanding instructor. Her style of teaching is highly effective.
Linda S.
Groton MA, August 2017
I love working with Linda. She has beautiful energy and has helped my dog Tiger. I look forward to working with her in the future.
Pamela B.
So. Portland ME, July 2017
Linda is a very good teacher. I enjoyed the [IET] Basic course and plan to continue my studies.
Hollis ME, July 2017
I have had two consecutive Akashic Reading sessions with Linda and they were FILLED with information. Linda's interpretation of the messages she is receiving is clear and understandable. She is great at going deeper, asking for more detail to ensure you leave with answers (and clarity in the work that needs to be done). Entering the Akashic Records is all about connection ... and that is one of her finest talents. Her clear connection with Spirit and her ability to deliver messages in loving ways is why I will continue to work with her!
Bucksport ME, May 2017
Acknowledging Linda Anzelc Huitt for a fantastic healing session today. I suffered greatly from grief and a reactive sciatic nerve pain. I am down on my knees in gratitude! Yes, I can get to my knees in comfort now! Kisses, Paula Finocchiaro Hill
Portland ME, March 2017
I took the basic IET and Meet your Healing Angels unified classes. I absolutely loved both classes and I recommend taking them as a unified course because they complement each other so well... Linda is a wonderful teacher! She makes you feel right at home and is very patient with any questions you may have... I will be back for more!!
Milo ME, January 2017
I recently took part in the Basic IET program, and can only say it was phenomenal! Life changing...no question. Linda has great compassion and understanding. I'm looking forward to Level 2!
Portland ME, June 2016