Retreats and more!
Want to spend some quality time with like-minded and like-hearted people? Ready for some focused learning, practicing and sharing? Pathway Of Joy is delighted to release our initial retreat-style offerings in 2024, with more to come.
Learn more about:

Metaphysical Camp for Adults
Ever wish you could be a kid again?
Have a carefree week at Camp, making friends, having new experiences, and having fun?
This Camp is here for you to do just that!
Join our Retreat for Adults, to nurture your Inner Child's Spirit and Soul, and so much more!

Join us for "Day Camp" for Adults, with optional after-hours activities, or even a full Retreat format.
Our first Camp is scheduled for Friday through Monday, June 7-10, 2024,
at Pathway Of Joy's NEW location* in Buxton
*Our new location is in a comfortable new building, on a peaceful 20 acres, with a wooded trail to the Saco River. The specific address will be announced once we open sometime during the first quarter of 2024.
Main Event: 10:00am-4:00pm daily
Our Day Camp is based in the Spirit Camp for Adults program, created by Eva Goulette of Dancing Jaguar Inspirations. It includes:
Sensing energy
Working with your Chakras
Reading Auras
Creating and using Sacred Tools
Discovering and working with Power Animals
Shamanic Journeying
and much more
(Lunch is provided)
Optional / Additional Activities:
Want more than a Day Camp? You can opt to add on Evening / Morning activities.
Evening activities are available Friday through Sunday 5:00-8:30pm. Examples:
Energy Share/Healing Circle
Guided Journey/Meditation
Forest Stroll
Morning activities Saturday through Monday 8:00-9:30am. Examples:
Guided Meditation

Abundance Exchange:
Main 4-day "Day Camp" Program:
Register by May 8, $333
Register after May 8, $444
Deposit $111 (I will invoice you for balance; you can pay in installments)
Optional Evening Activities:
$25 / evening
$60 for all three evenings
Optional Morning Activities:
No additional charge, but you must confirm at least a week in advance

Overnight Accommodations:
We have a limited amount of dorm-level guest space is available on a donation basis.
This is being offered to those who opt for the evening activities only.
Facility includes ample space, a full shared bathroom, access to a refrigerator and microwave.
Please provide your own:
towel / washcloth*
bedding (e.g., sleeping bag and pillow)*
Meals included with evening / morning activities.
You are welcome to bring additional food. Refrigerator / microwave are available.
We do not set a fee. This is offered as a convenience. Your donation amount is up to you.
*If your travel situation makes it difficult to provide these items, let me know. I have a limited amount of guest bedding etc. available.
IET-based Gatherings and More...
Coming this fall...
We plan to offer a few of our multi-day IET-based offerings in a retreat format, including
IET Unified Program (includes IET Basic certification plus the Healing Angels workshop content)

Then in 2025...
We plan to offer more to our retreat format offerings. Contact me with questions, ideas, or requests!