Am I the right coach for you?
If you are seeking coaching, it's really important that you select the right coach for you! I know of so many people who have entered into expensive coaching agreements, and been disappointed by the outcome. So let's get to know each other before you decide whether we are a coaching "match". Sound good?
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Linda Anzelc Huitt (you can just call me "Linda", or "Coach" if you prefer). The coaching services that I offer through Pathway Of Joy is the culmination of my life's journey (so far). I describe it to family and friends as "my worlds colliding in the most wonderful way". Let me elaborate...
Where have I spent my professional life?
After earning my BA in Computer Science, I worked for about 30 years in the corporate world. Most of that time was spent working for a large insurance company, and I also spent several years working for an IT consulting firm. My profession, at least on paper, was of the “high tech” nature – systems development, project management, team management, risk mitigation, and all that goes with it. I loved it. Nothing was better than solving a problem, or helping a teammate realize their potential. I always felt that my purpose, even in that role, was much more than being a "manager" or a "technical expert". I related to my employees, peers, and management as “humans” and always strived to bring compassion into the workplace. Sure there were times when we were under the pressure of deadlines and the compassion might not have been what was seen first, but my colleagues always knew they could come to me, in private, to talk about their concerns… whether it was something technical that they thought was escaping notice, or something on their home front that was keeping them from focusing at work. And regardless of what the issue was, we would work through it. When I left that corporate life in 2014, in addition to the technical and business skills gained, I took with me many wonderful memories of the relationships developed there.
In 2011, I began movement toward my “second career” so to speak, in the world of holistic, energetic, and metaphysical wellness. It was time for me to turn down the workplace stress in my life, and to shift to a vocation that would stay with me, playing to my strengths and passions, for the rest of my life. I took some classes ...and a big risk... gradually shifting my focus until I was able to make a full-time transition in 2014. In that time, I’ve built my own successful practice Pathway Of Joy, providing certification training and enrichment workshops, as well as 1-on-1 services, in the field of energetic and spiritual health… that part of ourselves so often ignored. I serve clients from all walks of life, ranging from children to young adult to senior citizen, social workers to corporate executives, people I’ve known for years as well as those who quite randomly find me when they are looking for something else. "And their little dog too..." (yes my clients include pets as well as humans).
So how does Life Coaching fit my life (and yours)?
More and more, I began finding that my clients needed more than a workshop or an energy session. They needed someone to sit with them, help them sort out their goals and priorities, to help them understand why things are and are not important to them, and figure out a plan for forward momentum. The key to all of this is their personal empowerment… to bring them back to the awareness that they are in the driver’s seat, they can make their own choices and they are fully accountable for the choices they make. In effect, they needed a coach… that’s a role that I am very familiar with from my decades in the corporate world.
Some of my clients and students were already referring to me as their mentor or coach. More than one client point blank asked me if I could offer life coaching support. And that helped me to realize that this service is actually restoring a puzzle piece that had gone missing from my life... that part of my corporate life that I truly loved.
So, with the aid of my own coach (yes, even a coach needs a coach), I formed my coaching practice and integrated it into the services offered at Pathway Of Joy. I have taken on the role of Empowerment Coach. What I have to offer my coaching clients is decades of experience in helping people to reach their potential, across an array of technical, interpersonal, personal, and spiritual goals and opportunities. I am so excited to be able to share this with you!
This is me...
Linda Anzelc Huitt,
your Empowerment Coach.
I welcome you to contact me for
a free initial consultation.