Kundalini Reiki Certification series
From Novice to Master in this 3-part series
This training includes three sessions, two hours each, typically scheduled about 1 week apart.
Level 1:
Provides introductory information, your first attunement, and the start of self-practice.
Level 2:
Provides an additional attunement, and the start of sharing this energy with others.
Level 3 / Master-Teacher:
Provides additional attunements, several other energies to share with others, and the ability to pass on training / attunements to others.
Kundalini refers to the potential of psychic energy within us, in the life force energy coiled up at the base of your spine. In a Kundalini Reiki session, we work to awaken the Kundalini, and draw the earth energy up through our client's root chakra, and continuing up through their major energy centers.
In this 3-part certification series, you will:
be introduced to Kundalini Reiki terminology and techniques,
receive attunements up through the Master level,
give and receive a full session, and
become certified to practice and teach Kundalini Reiki.
A workbook
A practice quick reference guide
A Kundalini Reiki poster
Membership in out Kundalini Reiki community
After registration, you will receive a PDF of the manual, and prework instructions.
After completing all levels, you receive a certificate, as a Kundalini Reiki Master-Teacher
In Person vs. Distant/Online:
Kundalini Reiki training and attunements can be delivered as a distant event, or in-person. I offer this series in both formats.
Learn or Experience Kundalini Reiki
Join one of our Public Events for group certification training, either in our studio or online via Zoom.
Prefer private 1-on-1 training, or a training with your circle of friends? Check our Private Workshop options.
To experience what it's like to receive Kundalini Reiki healing, schedule a Private Session.
- Learn more or Schedule...
APR 13 + APR 27 + MAY 4 SERIES ~ Awaken your Kundalini energy, and share it with others!
Starts Apr 13
225 US dollars - Available OnlineLearn more or Schedule...
APR 13 + APR 27 + MAY 4 SERIES ~ Awaken your Kundalini energy, and share it with others!
Starts Apr 13
225 US dollars - Learn more or Schedule...
OCT 28 + NOV 11+NOV 18 SERIES ~ Awaken your Kundalini energy, and share it with others!
Starts Oct 28
225 US dollars - Available OnlineLearn more or Schedule...
OCT 28 + NOV 11+NOV 18 SERIES ~ Awaken your Kundalini energy, and share it with others!
Starts Oct 28
225 US dollars