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What to expect during an Energy Healing session with Linda

First Linda will discuss your healing and empowerment goals with you.  Then all you need to do is relax, and open your heart, mind, and soul to let go of your traumas, and receive beautiful healing energy. You will lie on your back, fully clothed, on a Reiki table (or seated in a chair if you prefer), while soothing music plays. You might feel physical sensations (tingling, warmth, cold) or emotional release (laughing, crying), or receive other images through your own senses... or you might have no notable sensation / observation during the session.  Healing is happening regardless!

Based on your specific healing / empowerment intentions, Linda will typically employ light-touch techniques* of

(See descriptions of each method below.  Note that healing can be done hands-free on all or any part of your body if you have any sensitivities to touch.)

  • This healing will help you to clear your energy field of trauma energy and bring your empowerment energy to the forefront.
    Examples: Replace Anger with Forgiveness, Heartache with Love, Stress with Ease.

  • Linda often receives Divine messages on your behalf during your session to share with you.

  • As a result, many clients experience improved overall energy, joy and empowerment.

Linda reserves the last few minutes of your appointment to debrief your healing session, answer your questions, and allow you to become grounded before leaving.  Note that for 24 hours (or even up to a week) you might continue to release; Linda remains as a resource for you if questions arise during this period.

Linda also offers:


All sessions can be held in-person, or as "Distant" sessions.

~   Scheduling Options   ~
About  Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET)

"Getting the issues out of the tissues"

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®), is a powerful energy healing technique that:

  • releases suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs, stored in your body and energy field, that can be affecting your health, energy level, and general well-being; and

  • replaces them with empowerment energies that can help you move forward in life.

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How can IET help you?

IET works by releasing cellular memories from your body and filling you with healing energy. Cellular memories are suppressed traumas, emotions, fears, and limiting beliefs that can be blocking your energy flow.  Blocked energy can affect your physical and emotional health as well as your energy level. Releasing these energy blocks allows your life force energy to flow freely, resulting in improved health on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

IET is able to release deeper, more difficult blocks that Reiki alone, because is a stronger and higher vibrational energy. During an IET session, Linda will visit each area of your body where these cellular memories are stored, releasing the trauma energy and replacing it with the opposite empowerment energy. In a session of 60-minutes or more, she may also conduct a Soul Star Clearing and 12-Strand DNA Alignment if time allows, or she is called to do so. 

Examples of clearing and empowerment:
  • Guilt is replaced with Innocence

  • Shame is replaced with Spiritual Pride

  • Heartache & Betrayal are replaced with Love

  • Stress & Powerlessness are replaced with Ease

IET Healing
About Usui Reiki

The term "Reiki" comes from the Japanese words rei, which has several translations including “universal” and “spiritually guided”, and ki, which means “life force energy”. Reiki is a form of gentle-touch, natural healing, working with universal life force energy.

• A person whose life force energy is low is more likely to become sick or feel stress, and

• a person whose life force energy is high is more capable of being happy and healthy.

Life force energy is a measurable energy that flows through all living things. This concept has been a part of many cultures since ancient times.

Benefits of Reiki include:
  • Deep relaxation and reduction in tension

  • Relief from anxiety and depression

  • Detoxification of the body

  • Relief from side effects of traditional medicine such as chemotherapy or radiation

  • Stimulation of the immune system

  • Improved circulation

  • Stimulation of healing from injury or surgery

  • Pain relief

  • An overall sense of well-being

Pathway of Joy | reiki south portland
How can Reiki help you?

Reiki can be beneficial even when there is no illness present. It supports a person’s overall well-being on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. The flow of Reiki energy assists in achieving greater peace of mind, happiness, and fulfillment in life.  Balance is important in all areas of life, including a balanced flow of life force energy through your body.

During an Usui Reiki healing, Linda will scan, heal, and balance your energy centers. She sometimes uses a pendulum to assist with reading, releasing and recharging energy.

Reiki And Traditional Medicine

Reiki is commonly used in hospitals as part of an Integrative Therapy program to treat the following conditions in conjunction with traditional medicine:​

  • All types of cancer

  • Fertility issues

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Psychological illnesses

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Pre-and post-operative conditions

  • Chronic pain

  • Digestive problems

  • Stress-related diseases

Usui Reiki Healing
About Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini refers to the potential of psychic energy within us. The word "Kundalini" literally means "coiled". It refers to life force energy coiled up at the base of your spine. In a Kundalini Reiki session, we work to awaken the Kundalini, and draw the earth energy up through your root chakra, and continuing up through your major energy centers.  
Types of Kundalini Reiki healing:
  • Balance Reiki: Helps balance all of the energy systems in your body.

  • Diamond Reiki: Heals the crown, and helps illuminate what needs to be healed.

  • Crystalline Reiki: Dissolve and clear crystals formed in our body during physical / emotional trauma, and thereby releasing the trauma itself.

Pathway of Joy | reiki healing south portland
  • DNA Reiki: Helps restore and heal our DNA strands, helping to heal inherited genetics.
  • Birth Trauma Reiki: Heal the trauma we experienced during our own birth.

  • Location Reiki: Heal ties to locations of situations that have impacted or brought negativity into your life.
  • Past Life Reiki: Help clear and heal imprints from past lives.

  • Situations / Issues healing: Healing personal, work-related, etc. strained situations.

  • Karmic Bands healing: Healing the bands / cords between you and someone you are / were close to.



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Our studio location

429 River Road (Rt 112), Buxton Maine

  • Plenty of free parking (drive all the way down the driveway)

  • Pet friendly (pets must be under your control, and leashed / crated when outside)

  • Located in the gray building behind the blue home

  • This is a private property; visit us by appointment only

Purple Glow
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Pathway Of Joy

© 2025 by Pathway Of Joy, LLC


Sun: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Mon / Wed:  Closed

Tue / Thu12:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Fri11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sat: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

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