Multi-level Support Coaching Options
Just the right amount of support, at just the right time!
Remember learning how to ride a bicycle? At first you needed a LOT of support from your parents or maybe an older sibling, along with a set of training wheels. Once you got the hang of it, you still needed a little support as you began riding up and down hills and exploring the neighborhood. And once the training wheels were off, all you needed was to check in with your parents on where you were going, when you'd be back, and perhaps to put a bandage on your knee once in a while!
Our plans are like that. We help you to jump start your progress with our Coming Into View package, then back off a bit as you are Getting it Done but still need some support to maintain momentum, and we are here as long as you need us as you begin Feeling the Shift in your life.
With each monthly plan, you will enjoy:
Personal check-ins with your coach on a regular, scheduled basis.
Support between coaching sessions to help you review your progress and stay on track.
Discounts on our energy sessions and empathic readings
And even once our coaching engagement ends, we're still there to support The New You, with individual check-in coaching sessions as needed.

Level 1: Coming Into View
This level is recommended for most new clients. At this point, you might believe you have a pretty good idea of what you want to achieve, but are getting bogged down in bringing your goals to fruition. Or perhaps you don’t even know what you want, but you know you desire for something to be “different”. In Level 1, we are establishing your clarity! This is the most intensive level, with the expectation that you will commit at least three-to-five hours of your time between sessions. It is intended to jump start your progress. Depending on the magnitude of my clients’ goals, this level may be preferred for one-to-three months.
Level 2: Getting It Done
After getting a jump start with Level 1 for a month or two, you’re ready to begin working more on your own. At this point, you know what your goals are, and you have a pretty good idea of the steps / tasks needed to achieve them. You’re DOING it! But, you still can benefit from regular support to keep you motivated, to discuss your ideas, and to help bridge a few gaps that remain here and there. You are still focusing several hours per week of your time on the goals. And you still need Coach Linda, but not for as much time each week. Again, you might opt to stay at this level for a single month or a few months.
Level 3: Feeling The Shift
At this point, you are checking off your goals left and right. The list is getting shorter… or perhaps new goals are jumping onto the list, but you have new skills, and are able to plan for how to achieve them more or less on your own. You feel greater confidence in your abilities and value in your work. But you still have a few questions, and prefer to have your coach available to you on a set day each month, to check in, to discuss ideas and challenges, etc. You might decide to skip this level, or you might decide that this is the perfect motivation to keep you focused on your goals for several months.
Level 1 details...
Establish a clear definition of goals, and steps to achieve them.
Identify gaps in skills, and begin addressing the gaps.
Begin making real progress in achieving your goals.
Coaching Support:
A 90-minute coaching session each week, for four weeks (in person or live via video)
Additional Coaching support: 30-60 minutes of offline support* between sessions as needed (e.g., to review your drafts, research a need we identified during our coaching session, etc.)
Your time commitment:
At least 3-5 hours/week of “homework” between coaching sessions
Pathway of Joy discount:
50% off private energy sessions/readings.
Investment in self: $500
Value: $1,000+
Level 2 details...
Continue to review progress against goals, and refine goals as needed.
Continue to close gaps in skills needed to support your goals.
Coaching Support:
A 90-minute coaching session every-other week, for four weeks (two coaching sessions total)
Additional Coaching support: 30-60 minutes of offline support* between sessions as needed (1-2 hours total for the 4-week period)
Your time commitment:
At least 3-5 hours/week of progressing more independently toward your goals.
Pathway of Joy discount:
40% off private energy sessions/readings.
Investment in self: $300
Value: $500+
Level 3 details...
Maintain momentum in achieving your goals.
Become aware that you are able to fly solo, as much as you choose.
NOTE: This plan is only available to clients who have completed a Level 1 or Level 2 package.
Coaching Support:
One scheduled 90-minute coaching session during the four-week period
Additional Coaching support: 30-60 minutes (total) of offline support* during the four-week period
You can schedule an additional coaching session during this period if you need one. For Level 3 clients, the fee is discounted by 30% to $105/90-minutes.
Your commitment:
I recommend that you continue the same commitment as Level 2
Pathway of Joy discount:
30% off private energy sessions / readings.
Investment in self: $175
Value: $250+
*"Offline support" offered between sessions includes such things as reviewing drafts, follow-up research, replying to your email questions, etc. that I will do between our meetings.
Even after we have concluded our formal coaching engagement, I will be available to you for ad hoc coaching sessions, whenever you need it. At this point though, your goals have been realized, or mostly realized. But then identifying and realizing new goals has become second nature to you. It’s who you are!
Maintain momentum in achieving your goals.
Assess new goals, or address new barriers, as they arise.
Coaching Support:
Scheduled 90-minute coaching session as needed
Your commitment:
I recommend that you continue the same commitment as Level 2, until your goals are all part of your new life